Transition to more carbon and nutriend efficient agriculture in Europe


The NUTRI2CYCLE project has been created to be able to evaluate the current flows of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and carbon (C) by analyzing existing management techniques in different farms across Europe and analyzing the related environmental problems. This initiative aims to use an integrated approach to support the transition from European agriculture to the next generation of agronomic practices based on an optimized nutrient and organic carbon cycle. Actions such as addressing nutrient flow gaps will help reduce GHG emissions, reduce soil degradation and improve the EU’s independence on energy and nutrients.


NUTRI2CYCLE aims to interact with all actors influencing the entire value chain, from farmers to end users, in order to:


European agriculture is characterized by a high contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and inefficient carbon recovery and reuse of the main plant nutrients, which are nitrogen and phosphorus. The recovery of these two nutrients on farms can be significantly improved by creating better synergies between animal husbandry and crop production. These improvements will mean the return of carbon to the soil and the reduction of GHG emissions, which could be combined with the production of energy for self-consumption on the farm.


To achieve these results, the project is based on identifying the most efficient types of agricultural systems in Europe, defining indicators to monitor and demonstrate environmental advantages, and establishing innovative business cases at pilot scale. Thus, the three pillars on which the tests and studies will be carried out are: agroprocessing, animal husbandry and plant processing.


October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2023


The NUTRI2CYCLE project responds to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

The NUTRI2CYCLE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 773682.

Belgium Universiteit Gent – UGENT University
Belgium United Experts – DLV Consultancy
Belgium European Biogas Association – EBA Association
Belgium Provinciaal Extern Verzelfstandigd Agentschap in Privaatrechtelijke Vorm VZW – INAGRO Research Center
Italy Universita degli Studi di Milano – UNIMI University
Italy Consorzio Italbiotec Research Center
Poland Politechnika Czestochowa – PCZ University
Spain Centro Tecnológico CARTIF – CARTIF Research Center
Spain Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries – IRTA Research Center
Spain Centre de Recerca en Economia i Desenvolupament Agroalimentari – CREDA University
Germany Bundesforschungsinstitut Fuer Laendliche Raeume, Wald und Fisherei – Johann Heinrich Von Thünen-Institut – THÜNEN University
Portugal Instituto Superior de Agronomia – Universidad de Lisboa – ISA ULISBOA University
Denmark Kobenhavns Universitet – KU University
Hungary Trade and Service Providing Limited Liabilty – SOLTUB Company
Hungary 3R-BioPhosphate Ltd. Company
Netherlands Stichting Wageningen Research – WUR University
Netherlands Zuidelijke Land-En Tuinbouworganisatie Vereniging – ZLTO Association
France Chambre Interdepartementale d’Agriculture de la Charente-Maritime et des Deux-Sèvres Public Organization
Ireland Agriculture and Food Development Authority – TEAGASC Public Body
Croatia IPS Konzalting Doo Za Poslovne Usluge Consultancy



In the NUTRI2CYLE project, CREDA leads the analysis of opinions, attitudes and expectations on the adoption of the proposed technologies at different stages along the value chain. This research is carried out through a qualitative approach, using two types of focus groups:

  • Supply (farmers, industry and institutions).
  • Demand (HORECA, retailers and consumers).

In addition, CREDA directs the analysis of consumer preferences, opinions and attitudes, as well as willingness to pay (DAP) for sustainable and environmentally friendly food, with a strong emphasis on products associated with lower greenhouse gas emissions and optimized C cycles, N and P, both at the farm and regional level.