Microbiome applications and technology centres as solutions to minimize food loss and waste


ElThe FoodGUARD project is an initiative that aims to use the microbiome (a set of microorganisms, genes and environmental conditions that surround them) to reduce food loss and waste. To do this, it will develop innovative packaging and digital tools that will help stakeholders in the European food industry increase: quality, safety and transparency.


During this process, FoodGUARD’s objectives are:




The agri-food industry faces challenges such as: (1) providing the world’s population with enough food (food security), and (2) ensuring that these foods are safe to eat (food safety); while maintaining production processes within environmental limitations.

Production must follow the principles of the European Green Deal priorities, the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy and the ‘Food2030’ strategies for a healthy, fair and ecological system.

The FoodGUARD project seeks to extend the useful life of high-value perishable foods, such as meat, fish, vegetables, and cheese; enable monitoring of food spoilage, and predict the effect of the microbiome on selected food systems.

Thus, solutions will be presented that will help the industry to use alternatives to chemical preservatives and implement responsive policies that involve consumers, improving trust in the food sector and increasing traceability.


The project integrates teams from different sectors, using an intersectoral multi-actor approach, distributed among the 7 Work Packages. By working together, FoodGUARD partners will develop a series of protective packaging and cultures, temporary temperature indicators, and smart printed labels.


January 01, 2024 – December 31, 2026

The FoodGUARD project responds to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

The FoodGUARD project has received funding from the Horizon Europe – Action Grant Budget-Based grant agreement n°101136542 of the European Commission.

Greece Smart Agro Hub Anonymi Etairia – SAH SME
Greece Agritrack S.A. – AGRI SME
Greece Ktinotrofiki Magnisias-Synergazomeni Ekmetallefsi-Anonymos Etaireia – FARM SME
Greece National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” – NCSRD Research Centre
Greece Philosofish S.A. – FISH Company
Luxembourg Netcompany-Intrasoft S.A. – INTRA Company
Netherlands MantiSpectra B.V. – MANTI SME
Spain Asociación de Investigación de Industrias Cárnicas del Principado de Asturias – ASINCAR Research Centre
Spain Mataderos Industriales Soler S.A. – MISSA Company
Spain Centre de Recerca en Economia i Desenvolupament Agroalimentari – CREDA Research Centre
Italy Unione Nazionale Consumatori – UNC Association
Germany Leibniz-Institut fur Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie ev Hans-Knoll-Institut – HKI Research Centre
Germany Bundesinstitut fuer Risikobewertung – BfR Public Body
France Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer – IFREMER Research Centre
Belgium Universiteit Gent – UGENT University
Belgium PACK4FOOD – P4F Association
Finland Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus Vtt oy – VTT Research Centre
United Kingdom E1 Data Science LTD – E1 SME
Cyprus MCC Best Value LTD – BEST Company



In this project, CREDA leads task 2.1. “Mapping Key Stakeholders’ Expectations on Food Waste and Shelf Life.” This aims to improve the transparency of the food chain by examining operations, processing and packaging. Thus, the task will identify the challenges faced by stakeholders, such as food quality, shelf-life extension and transparency.

In addition, CREDA will contribute to tasks to identify gaps, design sustainable packaging configurations in pilot cases, create innovative technological solutions or improve food quality throughout the supply chain. Thus, the centre will carry out a series of surveys among European consumers to find out their demand for sustainable packaging and the innovations proposed by the project.


CREDA participates in a new European project: FoodGUARD

We participate in a new project within the Horizon Europe program of the European Commission that aims to extend, monitor and predict the shelf life of perishable foods through the study and use of microbial materials.